Member of SCNAT

The members of the SGW-SSBF have a common interest for the diversified world of wild mammals and birds, as well as their relation to the environment. The SSWB is particularly committed to the protection and the promotion of these animals and their habitats, to the education and the research in this field.more

Image: Meisterfoto, stock.adobe.commore

3. Kleinsäugersymposium

Montag, 18. November 2024 in Neuenburg, Muséum d'histoire naturelle
ab 9.15 – ca. 16.15 Uhr

Das Symposium kann als Weiterbildungstag für Management- oder Forschungsprojekte angerechnet werden.

Neue Haselmausart in der Schweiz entdeckt
Neue Haselmausart in der Schweiz entdecktImage: Sarah Hummel