Various specialist societies of the different scientific disciplines as well as the Cantonal and Regional societies for natural sciences are member of SCNAT.

Naturforschende Gesellschaft Baselland (NGBL)

Logo von Naturforschende Gesellschaft Baselland
The Baselland Society of Natural Sciences (Naturforschende Baselland Gesellschaft (NGBL)) encourages the transmission and publication of discoveries in natural sciences that are impacting the society and the science of the future. The central concerns of the NGBL are the interest in natural sciences and research, particularly the exploration of the region of the canton, the efforts for the protection of the climate, the landscape and the nature, as well as the various aspects related to energy.
With a wide range of lectures in winter and an excursion program in summer the NGBL is committed to the transfer of knowledge and maintains the dialogue both within and across the society. The NGBL keeps its members informed via a newsletter and publishes original scientific works of regional or general interest in the «Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel», in collaboration with the Basel Society of Natural Sciences Basel (Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel (NGiB)).

Year founded: 1900
Number of members: 302 (2023)
Naturforschende Gesellschaft Baselland (NGBL) is a member of SCNAT, Platform Science and Regions (Platform NWR)


Naturforschende Gesellschaft Baselland (NGBL)
Sichternstrasse 41
4410 Liestal